starts not with us looking for God but with God looking for us.” ~Bishop Donald Hying
The always humble Bishop Hying and Fr. Tim Kitzke doing the dishes following dinner at my house last August. Bishop Hying always insisted upon doing the dishes whenever he'd come to dinner. He's certainly well-qualified to speak about humility as he did during his recent Advent reflection shared in this post. |
Advent I treated myself to an afternoon retreat of Reflections on the Advent
Gospels with Bishop Hying at St. Joseph’s Parish in Wauwatosa. It was a bittersweet occasion in which I had
an opportunity to learn from a spiritual giant and a beautiful friend, in
person, one more time, before he leaves Milwaukee to become the Bishop of Gary,
Indiana on January 6th. I
felt compelled to take notes so I wouldn’t miss one bit of his wisdom. I've certainly learned an awful lot from him in the past seven years that I've been blessed with his friendship and I'm hopeful that I'll continue to reap many spiritual benefits from all that he has taught me over the years. What I’ve gleaned from his Advent talk follows.
Being Present to Now
Hying often speaks of St. Bernard’s Three Advents: the Advent when we prepare for Christ’s
birth, the Advent when we prepare for the final coming of Christ and the Advent
of the Present Moment. He
said that it’s easy to always be somewhere else in our mind and not to be fully
engaged with where we are. But it’s
essential that we try to focus on the present because this moment will never
come again. We’ll never be in this same
particular place with these same particular people again. The greatest enemy of the spiritual life is
the intensity of the stimulation around us.
The secret of the saints is that they were profoundly engaged in the
present moment. It’s in the present
moment that God speaks to us. On Mount
Horeb God doesn’t tell Moses, “I was” or “I will be”. He says “I AM.”
Hying spoke about the difference between Kairos time and Kronos time. Kronos time, he said, is like when we go to
work and the day drags because we’re not enjoying what we’re doing. Kairos time is like being on vacation or
spending time with someone we love. Six
hours of Kairos time can feel like only one.
The Mass is Kairos time where we are united with all of heaven. We are never alone at Mass. All of the angels and saints are right there with us. When we
step into the Eucharist, we step into the vast eternity of Christ. The mystery of the Christian life is to see
the unfolding of our lives as Kairos time.
We live in a culture that is spiritually asleep. If we can abide in the present moment then
life unfolds as it is meant to be for us.
do we live in the world but as a monastic at heart?” he asked. John the Baptist reminds us that our faith
must be public and inculturated. Our
faith is personal but it can’t be private.
If the apostles kept their faith private we would never have come to
know Jesus. The generations that follow
us are dependent upon our public testimony.
In the New Evangelization we look at people who are already in our lives
and give witness to them. We need to
cultivate the soil of another person’s life and bring them into a community of
faith. We are to lay the groundwork for
Jesus to begin His work like John the Baptist did for Jesus.
Humility as a Way of Life
Bishop Hying went on to speak about humility. He said that virtues are like a salad buffet
and humility is the plate you put everything else on. If you don’t have humility, nothing else will
stick. Humility is knowing who we are
and knowing both our greatness and our littleness. How do we respond when we’re not noticed or
recognized or when someone else gets thanked for something we did?
sets us free. We don’t have to try to be
anything more than we are. God is more
humble than we are. If I can’t let God
be God in my life, then I always have to be strong and right and in
control. How freeing it is to
acknowledge my weakness and my need for God and to let the Lord carry me! It’s freeing to say “I don’t know what I’m
talking about, I’m a sinner, and I’m weak and needy and uncertain.”
Paul spoke of the thorn in his side and how, when he asked God to remove it,
God told him he had to keep it so that he’ll know that power is made perfect in
weakness. Allowing God to be God allows
us to be us. Humility is a gift. It’s a gift to be hidden, unknown and
misunderstood. At the end of the day it
doesn’t matter what others think of us, it only matters what God thinks of us.
Hying compared the Annunciation and the Agony in the Garden as examples of
humility and openness to God’s life-changing plan. Both Mary and Jesus are asked to accept
something impossible. Mary said yes to
the Incarnation and Jesus said yes to our salvation. They both occur while they
are radically alone and they are both asked to embrace the impossible and say
yes to it. It’s tempting to think that
everything was easy for them because of their holiness and who they are, but
their humanity had to tempt them to say no, and yet, they both said yes.
this reason we honor Mary because in her we see perfect discipleship. In her
maternity, which is predicated on her faith and attentiveness to God’s impulses
and initiatives, she gives herself to that plan. In the Immaculate Conception she is a
stainless piece of glass, immaculate with no stain. The light shines through her. Because of her clarity, we don’t see the
glass but are overwhelmed by the light of Christ that shines through her.
bishop asks, “In what ways am I still striving to be God, to be at the center
of attention, more important than I am? How can this Advent take that desire away from
me? Like John the Baptist, we need to
say, “I am not the Christ.” What is it
in my life now that God is inviting me to embrace, that seems difficult, and
that I should say yes to? We need to
ponder this question all our lives because God is always asking something new
of us. The saints were so free of self
that they allowed God to use them however He saw fit.
is realizing that in the Incarnation of Christ everything has changed for
us. If we can understand this and accept
it, if we can be truly present in the now, and live our lives with humility,
then Christmas becomes more fully what it was meant to be.