Friday, September 13, 2013

Lumen Christi Art

My dear friend, Christi Jentz, has put together a lovely new website featuring her beautiful sacred art, the product of many hours of prayer and work to honor the Lord.  Lumen Christi Art features sacred  and medieval art, design, and purchase information, as well as a blog where Christi shares fascinating tidbits about the art world.  I highly recommend trying to decide which statues of the Blessed Virgin and the Christ Child belong together in this post.  Christi is well-versed in painting icons, several of which have been featured here at Imprisoned in My Bones, including the Myhrr-bearing Women, above (story here) and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, below.  Of course, the images on Christi's website are much clearer than my copies seen here.  Please pay a visit or several to Lumen Christi Art and enjoy art, beauty and inspiration from a Catholic perspective.

 Every movement of the brush
every drop of paint carefully
released to the wood

is a prayer written with care
from a heart
overflowing with love

and I look at the icon of
Christ, the King of my heart
and I pray

for the one whose
craft brought this image
of Christ to life

the icon of Christ
is alive for me
I can almost see His heart beating

hear His voice calling to me
whispering words of love to me
His servant

my King reminds me
that the pains of this world
will be overcome

and one day I will rejoice with Him
forever in the splendor
of His Most Sacred Heart

O Jesus, King of my heart
how I long for that day
when our hearts will eternally be one!


  1. Ahhh so lovely and profound Anne! "Every movement of the brush every drop of paint carefully released to wood is a prayer written with care from a heart overflowing with love" "In the splendor of His Most Sacred Heart" is where I long to be. Your prayer is exquisite and I will print it out to hang by my desk to read often. The icons are amazing and I am so thankful you posted this site. As always, I am so grateful for your beauty as a person and a writer and a heart on fire with love for our Lord. God Bless...

  2. Thank you so much, Cynthia. You are so kind! I'm glad you visited Christi's site. Please tell others about it! Her work is so beautiful!
