Sunday, June 21, 2009

Washed in the Blood of Christ

Greetings from the WIC Clinic...

“How are you?” I asked.
“I'm washed in the blood of Christ.” She replied.

Dear God, give me the courage to witness to your sacrifice of love in all circumstances. Amen.

“How are you?” I asked.
“I'm blessed.” She answered.

Dear God, give me the grace to show my gratitude for your many gifts at all times. Amen.


  1. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could just forget our own self-serving self-consciouness and speak about our love for the Lord at every opportunity!

    Instead of griping and complaining all day long, we could tell others of the life-sustaining love we receive freely from Christ.

    Maybe we could challenge ourselves to do this for one day and report back what happens!

