Sunday, August 29, 2010

Inspiration from the Blogs

It seems to have been a while since I have linked to other blogs that have touched my heart and I'm sure I'm overdue. The following blogs are all relatively new to me, yet each of them have quickly become favorites of mine due to their posts that are true to the Church, poetically written and great sources of new information.

Do Not Be Anxious-a blog that brings a little bit of much needed peace to this often frazzled woman, great reflections and powerful testimony

Autumn's Leaves-Autumn describes it best: "The occasional ruminations of a Catholic Wife, Mother, Grandmother & Counsellor approaching the mellow Autumn of her life. Despite life’s ups and downs, I am always aware of God’s canopy of love over me, rain or shine. You are most welcome to share my *bench* :)"

Family at the Foot of the Cross-here's a homeschooling mom who finds creative ways to incorporate the Feast of the Day or the Saint of the Day into her curriculum-great ideas!

Credo Catholic-written by a Catholic wife and mother who is studying for a degree in Theology, her posts always point to God's presence in her life

Finally, I just have to share a link to a lovely Christian blog. Sarah Mae simply and eloquently expresses a solution to my recent disquiet about divisions in the church with her post "When Convictions Collide" at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee.

Please visit and enjoy!


  1. I love to learn of other blogs love to be read by people whose blogs I love to read! I love Family at the Foot of the Cross too. I don't knwo the others and will check them out. thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks, Anne. There are a few that I follow but one in particular that I think fits in the writing style and thoughtfulness which we appreciate. It is PewSpective, at:

    This busy mother and forensic scientist has much in common with my background, and way of thinking. When she writes, I think I can hear her heart beating.

  3. Anne~Thank you for these great links. Like Gardenia, I love to learn of other blogs that are read by people I have grown to love. It's like the ripple effects of love across the internet. I'm blushing and humbled that you mentioned me;) May the Holy Spirit continue to guide your inspiration! God's love and blessings, dear Anne.

  4. Thank you for sharing these blogs with us!The faith and inspiration they share blesses us all.
