Today is Good Shepherd Sunday as well as World Day of Prayer for Vocations. I think it is very fitting that we celebrate these two events on the same day. It's most appropriate that we pray for more holy people to follow Jesus' example to shepherd the people of the world to greater holiness and love of God. I write this prayer in honor of my Godson, Matthew, who is laying down his life for his country as a United States Marine and for my nephew Aaron in the United States Navy. Thanks Matthew and Aaron! Keep up the great job! I love you!
"A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep." John 10:11-18
Sweet Jesus, when you remind us that a good shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep, you are giving us a foreshadowing of the death you will taste on the cross for this world filled with sinners. We, too, are called to lay down our lives, to die many deaths for the good of others. Whether we are priests sacrificing our lives for our parishioners, spouses and parents sacrificing our lives for our families, employees sacrificing our lives for the good of our employers and society, or members of the military sacrificing our lives for our country, we are all doing it for your glory. Every little sacrifice that we make in doing our best, giving our all for you and for your presence in others is our act of laying our lives down for our sheep, your sheep. Guide us all, Jesus, in your quiet path of holiness that will lead to eternal joy. Be with us as we lay down our lives. Amen.
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