Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Lady of Shallot

"There she weaves by night and day
A magic web with colours gay.
She has heard a whisper say,
A curse is on her if she stay
To look down to Camelot.
She knows not what the curse may be,
And so she weaveth steadily,
And little other care hath she,
The Lady of Shalott."

My all-time favorite book and movie is Anne of Green Gables. I love the personality of the main character, Anne,who is always so dramatic and very much inspired by poetry, especially that which makes people cry. I feel that I not only share her name but many traits of her personality as well. The movie begins with Anne wandering through the woods lost in the beauty of nature as she reads Tennyson's The Lady of Shallot. But she is quickly brought back to the reality of life by the shrieking screams of the woman who had taken her in as a boarder and nanny to her children.

Later in the movie Anne and her friends decide to re-enact the Lady of Shallot as a play with Anne as the lead character floating down the river in a boat as she recites Tennyson's famous poem. Her plan is thwarted as the boat springs a leak and she must cling to the post of a bridge until help arrives in the form of her friend, Gilbert. Her friends are greatly distressed as they fear that Anne really did drown in the river.

The Band Perry has put out a video to their song, If I Die Young, that sweetly recalls that romantic scene from Anne of Green Gables. My daughter Mary and I recently spent a peaceful afternoon searching the lakeshore for sea glass and Mary was singing this song, one of her favorites. It put a smile on my face and now I just have to share this endearing video, I'm sure my kindred spirits will enjoy it!

"Heard a carol, mournful, holy,
Chanted loudly, chanted lowly,
Till her blood was frozen slowly,
And her eyes were darkened wholly,
Turn'd to tower'd Camelot.
For ere she reach'd upon the tide
The first house by the water-side,
Singing in her song she died,
The Lady of Shalott...

Who is this? And what is here?
And in the lighted palace near
Died the sound of royal cheer;
And they crossed themselves for fear,
All the Knights at Camelot;
But Lancelot mused a little space
He said, "She has a lovely face;
God in his mercy lend her grace,
The Lady of Shalott."

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