Saturday, March 27, 2010

Praying the Psalms-Eleven

"In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: "Flee like a bird to your mountain."

So often I am tempted to run away, escape from my problems and worries. I try to distract myself by pouring my energies into work or meaningless activities like watching television. But these are only temporary bandages to cover up the problems and help me to forget about my worries for a short time. Fleeing like a bird doesn't work because sooner or later the mountain begins to crumble around me and my problems become larger than ever.

The only solution to difficulties in life is to hand them over to the Lord, to bury my heart and soul in prayer. The Lord will hold me and protect me until the storm has passed and my problems are solved. He will love me, care for me and protect me. In the Lord I take refuge, today and always. I will stand firm and will not flee.

Today my prayers go out in a special way to all of those in the Church who are suffering because of the horrific scandal of priestly abuse towards children. This means that my prayers go out to everyone in the Church, because whenever one of our members suffers a tragedy in any way, we all suffer. Let us all take refuge in the Lord who loves each and every one of us and will protect us until the storm has passed.

Join Jenny at Just a Minute to Pray the Psalms each Saturday.


  1. It is true that when one member suffers, we all suffer; this is equally true in our families for we are all one body in Christ.

    The Psalms are like treasure to the heart, so soothing.

    I will pray with you.

  2. Anne, and Daily Grace, too, how discerning and tender are your reflections and prayer. Joining you in prayer...

  3. I love the Psalms! I'll join you in your prayer for the Church, too. You are right in saying how it hurts the entire Body of Christ.

  4. The abuser and the abusee both need our prayers. If God would only have mercy on the abuser...only if he repents and turns from abusing others.

    Your new follower.

  5. Thanks for the reminder. I am turning off the TV right now ...

  6. " bury my heart and soul in prayer"

    Such beautiful words. This is where we should all be, at all times...buried in Him.

    Prayers for the Church, her members and Our Holy Father. The storm rages...

  7. As always Anne, you have your finger on the pulse and you add such inspired words. May we also pray for all those outstanding priests who truly are images of Christ but who have been crucified by the present crisis, and for all Christians who have been scandalized or left the Church or had their faith tested in the fire of a crucible. I am sure that God will heed our tears and sighs.

  8. Ugh, I am famiar with those temporary bandages, too. I am so grateful that we serve a God who is always ready with open arms when we return to Him!

  9. We are all part of the body of Christ. When one part suffers, all the other parts suffer too. Thank you for this post on such a widespread problem within the church and other organizations where children are found. God bless, Lloyd
