Tucked away in caves,
buried beneath the dust by the winds of time,
the fragments of parchment
holding Holy Words could not die.
They were carried by the winds of the Holy Spirit
to our very hearts
where they have lived and will always live
throughout eternity.
The Words are the voice of God,
written not on parchment,
but inside our hearts and souls
where they offer comfort and love to all who listen.
Be still;
listen to the ancient Words,
let them move you,
change you,
become alive within you.
"O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears he will answer you." Isaiah 30:19
"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41: 12-14
"I am the Lord. There is no other." Isaiah 45: 18

ReplyDeleteLove this! Thanks for your comment earlier. I will definitely keep this church and its pastor in my prayers.
God Bless!
Anne, you've spoken to my soul with this post, affirmed my soul perhaps, given it cause to rejoice in memory? So many ways I can look at it. Bottom line is, an early memory of mine in the Lord is having 'seen' the Word 'alive' before me, the Living Word. It was more a 'knowing' of this dynamic Life all of a sudden, than it was a 'seeing.' But it came with an interior image for me nonetheless which I'll always have to draw from. It was among the earliest ways the Lord reached me most thoroughly and effectively. I remember thinking, Oh MY!! I underSTAND !! Awesome, huh? I have since reflected on and written much about the Word of God (though not posted). Thank you for your part in my celebration here, Anne :) ! God bless you and keep you, Anne, I pray in Jesus' Name...