What a busy day! Why is it that Sunday rarely feels like a day of rest? My sons, Jack and Joe served at 7:30 Mass and John lectored at the same Mass. After our family returned home, it was a quick breakfast and then back to church where John sings in the choir at the 11:00 Mass. A few errands to run, followed by a couple of basketball games at which I sat and supported my sons and their friends and it feels like the day is nearly over. Here I am, with just two hours to spare before our youth group has their meeting tonight. There's just no time like the present to join with Jennifer at My Chocolate Heart and offer a little praise before I'm too worn out to do so.
My favorite event of this past week, of which I am most grateful to God, was the opportunity to attend a Holy Hour for life that was simultaneously held in 100 parishes in our Archdiocese and was being offered by the Deacons of Milwaukee. I especially offer praise to God as this is the first time that adoration of the exposed Host has been held at my parish since I have been a member, that's seventeen years! So this truly was an historic event! If I don't offer praise to God for this tremendous blessing, I know I will burst!

I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the magnificent monstrance that must have been original to the parish 150 years ago. How wonderful it is to see our Lord contained in such splendor! I praise God for the sweet simplicity of the Holy Hour led by our deaf deacon. I praise God for the last minute panicked request from our liturgical director asking me to read at the service. How grand it felt to read from the book of Genesis and also to read an excerpt from Humanae Vitae for all of the vulnerable souls at both the beginning and the end of life. I was equally honored at the last minute request for my son John to offer his acolyte services for this same Holy Hour. It was so wonderful to watch my son direct and help our deacon on conducting his first ever Holy Hour. I praise God because this very special hour of prayer was simple, beautiful and heart felt and it followed an evening when I missed out on an opportunity to adore the Lord, so it was even more meaningful to be in His Holy presence.
I praise God that my daughter Mary asked to come along, even though it meant she would have to sit alone in the pew while John and I were busy in the sanctuary because Paul and my other sons were occupied with other activities and weren't able to attend. When we arrived at church, our dear friend Mrs. B was there and she was so glad for the company of Mary during the Holy Hour. She gave Mary a rosary that had been given to her for the purpose of praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, only Mrs. B had never heard of the chaplet before and didn't know how to pray it. She confessed that she had asked two priests about it and neither of them knew it either. What a blessing this was, because Mary has recently learned to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and she was happy to tell Mrs. B all about it!
Finally, I praise God for this beautiful prayer offered during exposition and benediction of the Holy Eucharist:
"I devoutly adore you, O hidden God, truly hidden beneath these appearances. My whole heart submits to you, and in contemplating you, it surrenders itself completely. Sight, touch, taste are all deceived in their judgment of you, but hearing suffices firmly to believe.
I believe all that the Son of God has spoken; there is nothing truer than this word of truth. On the cross only the divinity was hidden, but here the humanity is also hidden.
I believe and confess both, and ask for what the repentant thief asked. I do not see the wounds as Thomas did, but I confess that you are my God. Make me believe more and more in you, hope in you, and love you. O memorial of our Lord's death! Living bread that gives life to man, grant my soul to live on you, and always to savor your sweetness. Lord Jesus, Good Pelican, wash me clean with your blood, one drop of which can free the entire world of all its sins.
Jesus, whom now I see hidden, I ask you to fulfill what I so desire: that on seeing you face to face, I may be happy in seeing your glory. Amen."
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is surely a foretaste of Heaven. What great graces you and your family have been given, Anne! Blessed be God in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar!
ReplyDeleteI am glad your Church decided to to this. I can't believe they have never had exposition of the holy sacrament before this. Maybe now they'll do it more often. Your kids are great, I wish I could get Michaela To WANT to go to Mass. I don't understand what we are doing wrong. She knows how important it is to have a close relationship with God but she has a hard time sitting for an hour or so. She is hyperactive[seriously, I have spoke to her pediatrician about this, I think she has ADHD] I love Mass and praying, so does Randy though he can't attend weekday Masses. He prays the rosary in her room each night and she knows how much I love the Lord but she would rather play than pray. To get her to pay attention is very difficult.
ReplyDeleteI did manage to attend the Mass for life at my Church but could only stay for adoration for a few minutes before I had to get back to work.
Your days are really full, I'm surprised that you find time to blog! I'm glad you do though :) I have been asking the Lord to show you the amazing gifts that He has given you. Thank you for sharing them with us :)
I'm glad you were able to enjoy this special time! Thanks for continuing to inspire me about these opportunities.
ReplyDeleteWe are doing 40 days of perpetual Adoration for Life beginning Ash Wednesday. I may volunteer to take a wee morning hour and truly make the sacrifice to get there.