Are you listening Lord? I said with ALL of my heart. I didn't mean just some dusty little corner that wasn't already filled with praise for other things like peanut butter cookies with chocolate on top, spring daffodils, piano music or childrens laughter. The only reason I will praise those other things is because they are all gifts from you, so when I praise the delights of this earth, when I am rejoicing in the pleasures I find here in my life, what I am really doing is declaring Your wondrous deeds.
Sometimes, though, my heart forgets. Isn't that sad? I hope it doesn't make You terribly unhappy that I forget to praise You, and that I take Your gifts for granted. You know I never mean to hurt You. What can I do, my glorious Father, to atone for my all too frequent ingratitude? If I sing hymns to Your name, will that please You? If I sing so that all my words and actions bless You and give You glory,and in doing so, I draw others to notice You and love You, will Your own heart sing for joy?

Then I will sing, just listen to my voice grow louder with a sweet melody for You. For You alone are wondrous, marvelous, fabulous and amazing. You are my maker, my lover, my father and my friend. You are my yesterday, today and tomorrow. You love me like no other ever could and I will love You in return, all my days. I will give You my heart and my soul, all that I am and all that I ever will be, in gratitude for the love You have bestowed upon me...simple, little, next-to-nothing me. In Your eyes, with Your love, I too, am wondrous, marvelous, fabulous and amazing. For You, and to You, I sing praise! Amen and Amen, forever.
Thanks to Jenny at Just a Minute for the Praying the Psalms MEME and to
Jennifer at My Chocolate Heart for the Praise MEME
ReplyDeleteThanks Anne, this was great. Not change but CHANGE. If only we could spare a little for ourselves.