1. My son Jack had a doctor appointment this week to check on his progress with his attention deficit medicine. (All is well!) I have to take a minute to praise our wonderful pediatrician! Dr. S. is the father of nine children and he must be a wonderfully gentle and loving father. We can never leave his office without his kind reminders to my son: “Now Jack, remember, no TV or video games, go outside every day and play for an hour (after you change out of your school clothes), eat all of your vegetables, when mom and dad ask you to do something-always do it right away with a smile on your face-no grumbling, and make sure you go to bed early every night and get a good nights rest."
I am so grateful for all of the adults in our community who act as good role models for children and assist parents by speaking kind words of encouragement to the little ones in their care.
2. Four of my sisters and my niece Jenny, who is like a sister to me, and I had our monthly rosary night this past week. Each month we take turns meeting at one another's houses for treats, conversation and prayer. This time it was at my house and I was so honored that my best friend (and now honorary sister) Danette (as in, when you go fishing-don’t forget da net!) could join us for the first time.
I’ve been trying to make this a Lent of forgiveness and was given a big boost from my sister Cindy. I’m ashamed to admit that I have a long held hurt towards my mother that goes back 25 years and it continues to bother me even though my mom has been deceased these past 11 years. Mom was a wonderful saintly woman, who did her best to raise nine wild children while caring for an ill husband. In spite of all of the wonderful things she had done for me, I held on to the one time when she let me down, when she wasn’t there for me in the way I wanted her to be.
Cindy gave me a beautiful ring that had belonged to my mom and told me that whenever I wear it, it will be just as if my mom were right there with me! Knowing that she would have been with me if she could have at that time in the past when I needed her, wearing this ring makes up for her absence, because I can feel her love for me, and reciprocate my love for her with a prayer each time I feel the weight of the ring on my finger and I think of her. It is a precious gift that will always remind me that forgiveness is life's real treasure.

The other night when my sisters were over for the rosary, my husband Paul took Justin and John to the library. The girls and I were in the midst of planning a pilgrimage to Chicago to explore a weeping statue of Mary and the World's Largest Monstrance, when the phone rang. It was Justin. "What are you doing Mom?" he wanted to know. "Well, what do you think I'm doing? You just left here two minutes ago and I was visiting with my sisters, and...I still am!" I replied. When I asked him what he was doing he told me that Dad and John were in the library. "Where are you, then?" I wondered. "Just sitting in the car, I didn't feel like going in the library," he said. Nice conversation. Who ever thought it was a good idea to let kids have cell phones for necessities? Oh, I guess that was me. Oops!
I hope this counts for Lucy's "Kids Say the Darndest Things" blog-hop.
4. When my family began attending daily Mass there was a lovely elderly couple who used to sit right in front of us. I always got such a kick out of their names-Anne and Gilbert, just like those of my favorite characters in the Anne of Green Gables series! Last year, Anne and Gilbert left our parish as they moved out of state to care for their critically ill son. We’ve been feeling nostalgic for them lately as we remember how Anne was always so kind and shared treats, seashells and books with us, and how Gilbert was so funny and he would always make us smile. Mary, my eight year old, told me that she hopes that Paul and I grow old just like Anne and Gilbert. Her hope is that I will be sweet and kind to children and that Paul will make kids laugh. Sounds not only feasible but also very enjoyable to me!
5. I’m looking forward to attending the Catholic Youth Rally this Saturday with my two oldest boys and our good friends Steve, and his daughter Jessie. It’s a full day event with a Christian rock band, Mass with the Archbishop, speakers and adoration. Sounds like a powerhouse of prayer! I can't wait!
6. Last Sunday, my oldest son John and I spent the afternoon at one of our favorite places, the Seminary of St. Francis de Sales for Vocationfest. We were there promoting the annual summer camp for boys who are interested in the priesthood. It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon and I met so many wonderful people who have an interest in the priesthood.
Here’s where I want to give a little shout out to our young friend John H. over in England who works so hard to promote vocations through his fabulous website “A Vocation to be a Priest.” If you haven’t done so already, please pay his website a visit! You’ll find lots of good information and inspiration there!
7. I’ve got to end with a favorite quote that is timely to the upcoming Holy Week. This is from one of my favorite authors, Fr. Robert Barron: “This is the meaning of the cross: God is heartbroken love.” Sigh...Gives me goosebumps!
Thanks to Jennifer at Conversion Diary for this MEME
Happy Birthday, Justin!!!
ReplyDeleteI wear my grandmothers ring on my finger everyday. It is a wonderful feeling when you recognize it is there!
ReplyDeleteHi Anne,
ReplyDeleteSounds like we have the same pediatrician. I agree. He's a great guy. It's also my hubbie's birthday. Happy Birthday to your son. Thanks for writing your blog. I so enjoy it.
"..It was Justin. What are you doing Mom? he wanted to know..." Awwww Anne :) ! Your son was thinking about you... I have sons, and JUST LOVE IT! when they call me, too. Such speaks well of you and me, I must think :) !
ReplyDeletewhat a sweetie your PJ is! and yes, I' can't imagine how my childhood would have been dramatically different if I had grown up in the age of cell phones. I'm loving Lucy's blog hop. I'm playing along too, with my wednesday post (not today's post). so nice to meet you! Oh, if you have a moment, I'd love to know where in chgo the weeping statue of Mary is. thanks.
ReplyDeleteWell, at least he's keeping the lines of communication open! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining in--come back again!
In Christ,
Just a comment on your Mother's ring; That pull that you have towards her when she somehow dissapointed you, I think God has those feelings stay with us a long time for some reason I'm not sure of, maybe for us to wrap our thoughts forever around them and to somehow gives us a lesson in love through those feelings. Your sister giving you the ring was just another small part of the mystery of your mother's love wrapped in her fond memory.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for so many great comments! KAM, your words have really touched my heart and I believe you are right. Life's hurts are meant to be a mysterious lesson in love and after all these years, I do know that I have learned and am continuing to learn from that experience. That my sister gave my mom's ring to me has moved me beyond explanation. It was a profound act of love that I will always treasure. Thank you for your insight.
ReplyDeleteGardenia, I'm not quite sure about the location of the statue-one of my sisters was looking into that. I know of one that was at St. John of God church but that was back in the 1980's, and last year there was a weeping stain in an expressway underpass that drew a lot of attention. When I find out more, I will certainly get back to you!
What a beautiful post -- so many touching things here. The ring (wow), your prayer time with your sisters, the sweet elderly couple. I'm really glad I dropped by to see it!
ReplyDeleteOh, and kudos to you for combining two great memes! I may just copy you on that sometime -- if I ever get back to writing "quick takes!" (Lately it's been all I can do to post anything at all, it seems!)
Your comment on my post was really funny, by the way. Thanks!
First, what an awesome pediatrician! Second, what awesome sisters! Have a great week as we move closer to the sorrow of His Passion and the joy of His Resurrection!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Justin! God bless you abundantly!