1. Thanks for all the prayers! I passed my examination and am now a Certified Lactation Counselor! I will still have to make the 80 mile trip to Madison next month to complete the afternoon hours that I missed at the training, but I know that my son's beautifully repaired teeth are worth it!
2. Last Saturday, I was asked to bring lunch to my sons, John and Justin and several other boys who were touring the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist as part of the Seminary's Vocation Office efforts to bring about interest in the priesthood. Little did I know that Archbishop Listecki would be there, and I would have the opportunity to meet him and listen to him talk with the boys for a while. It was a blessing! He is a kind and interesting man with a wonderful sense of humor! In the future, when I'm asked to help, I will always say "Yes"! After all, wasn't Mary greatly blessed in her positive response to the Angel Gabriel? She sets the standards that I know I must follow!
3. Basketball season is over! No more running to 5 practices a week and 3-10 games on the weekends! No more admissions and concessions draining my wallet dry! I don't know what in the world my family will do with all of our spare time and spare money! :)
4. During Lent, we have a tradition in our family of watching a weekly movie about Jesus. No matter which movie we have watched this year (although Paul and I have watched the Passion, we have not shared that one with the kids), our eleven year old, Jack, ends up in tears at the cruxifixion. I am glad that he is so sensitive and has such a deep love for Jesus, but I worry that maybe it is all too intense for him. He cries quite a bit at Eucharistic Adoration as well. We also pray the Stations of the Cross at home as a family quite a bit during Lent, and I remember that when my two oldest sons were younger, they were in tears by the end as well. Is this a normal process of growing up? Anybody else experience this with their kids and/or have an opinion about it?
5. The weather here has been gorgeous this week! We've enjoyed temps in the 50's with blue skies! On Monday, just before my appointment with my spiritual director, I had the joy of spending thirty blessed minutes alone on the shores of Lake Michigan engaging in my favorite activity-searching for sea glass! Winter feels so long when the sands are snow covered and I am so grateful that I can partake in the peaceful pleasure of beach combing once again!
6. More Archbishop Listecki...he came to my parish for a Reconciliation Service this past Wednesday. The church was packed! In spite of the crowd, my family and I were able to be in the Archbishop's line for confession. I just have to say ditto to my comment in number two! He really is kind and loving. He gives great advice and reminded me of God's love for me. I love confession and the peace it brings and receiving the sacrament from the Archbishop was icing on the Lenten cake!
7. Speaking of cake, today is the feast day of St. Joseph. It was this great saint who helped my husband find a job all those years ago when I was pregnant with my third son in three years, so of course we named him Joseph! Today we celebrate my son's feast day with great joy and a little cake! Happy Feast Day of St. Joseph!
"O St. Joseph whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord; so that having engaged here below your Heavenly power I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most Loving of Fathers. O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine Head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen."
Thanks to Jennifer at Conversion Diary for this MEME.
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS on becoming a Certified Lactation Counsellor - well done!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Jillian ♥
Anne, what a beautiful list! Enjoy so much your warm sharing of your life and your heart. I think it is very touching that your boys have such a sensitivity toward the Passion of our Lord! This just shows that some - miraculous - how they have not become desensitized by our crude and loud society. That is a good thing and I would thank God for their noble hearts that can contemplate and feel for what Jesus endured for them!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless,
Congratulations on #1!! I would love to that...maybe someday. My our Lady of La Leche be your constant companion.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a comment about your post per se, so you don't need to publish it. I just wanted to invite you to "Kids say the darndest things Friday" blog hop at:
We’d love to have you join the fun and share your stories. I’m sure that you have some real gems!
In Christ,
I love the St. Joseph prayer. You have a lovely blog. Blessings to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteAnne, thank you for your kind comments over at Flowers Round the Cross! I have been reading and loving your 7 Quick Takes and internally cheered when I read of your new Lactation Counsellor status! The kind of work you do saves many a poor a momma like me!